Friday, August 23, 2013

Pleats and Pillowcases

My mom cleaned out her linen closet last week, and Ev and I went over to see what we could scavenge for ourselves before she donated them.  My mom has collected and inherited so many linens over the years, it took us forever to go through them.  I did find several pillowcases I knew would be great for tops and dresses for Ev, and a vintage table cloth I plan on making a dress for myself with.  Of course I'll have to wait quite awhile before making the dress for myself, once I get my post-pregnancy/ post-nursing mom body back :)

I saw the Pretty in Pleats Top on Craftiness is Not Optional, and had to make one for Ev.  I wanted to make a country vintage version, so I used one of the blue gingham pillowcases from my Mom's, and some vintage dark blue flower bias tape I had purchased from Etsy last year.  The tiny flowers are yellow, white, and red, and matched the pillowcase perfectly.  I also used some simple white buttons I inherited from my great grandmother.

I really liked the way it turned out, but if I make another one, which I think I will, I'll make the arm holes a little bigger.  I pretty much followed CINO's instructions, except I added smaller pleats, 3 on each side instead of two.  I love the look of this top though, very girly vintage but simple too.

I would love to have added more photos, but my daughter is often in motion and difficult to stop, even for a second.  She's still here because she has a new booboo on her knee.

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